Definitely a winner in design, Samsung has brought the “Soul” back into mobile phones. The Samsung U900, better known as the Soul is really an aesthetic play with the phone’s real estate. The directional keypad is a show off of Samsung’s DACP or Magic Touch Dynamic Active Control Panel. This basically turns the directional buttons into context sensitive fields for various functions. In terms of usability, the DACP has gone a long way since the time LG’s Chocolate phone launched with a rather blah keypad.
The Soul is packed! It comes with a 5MP camera with face recognition, Bang and Olufsen Ice Power speaker technology, and HSDPA. My only complaint is that the U900 doesn’t come with WiFi. A phone so packed with features should have had built in wireless Internet at the very least.
e enjte, 17 prill 2008
Samsung U900 Soul
Emërtimet: Samsung
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