e hënë, 30 korrik 2007

New Phone Review PDA HTC TOUCH

New Phone Review PDA HTC TOUCH

HTC TOUCH is first phone carrying brand HTC after HTC acquisition of other phone maker company was Dopod some times ago. Has measure that is is rather smaller compared to Iphone. Ponsel at the same time digital personal of assistant supports network GSM, GPRS, and EDGE in three frequencies that is 900/1800/1900 MHZ.

Bases on Microsoft Windows operating system Mobile, HTC Touch to install pledge technology named by Touch-FLO. This was touch screen technology developed by HTC since the year 2005.

Having stock the technology, phone user earns easier to sweep its finger at screen. Its use enough with one hands. If it is touched its screen, will seen interface three dimensions and animation. Every face represents screen to differ in that is contact, media, and application.

Interface which there is in it also able to be turned around by wishing off sinistrorse finger or [screen/sail] right. Despitefully, finger touch earns also used to unseat and opens page situs, documents, message, and contact list.

Meanwhile, support from to speed of navigation of sulfur through presence of operating system Mobile 6 Professional. Additional again, with the operating system, user can access program Outlook and the application of other Microsoft Office quickly. Thereby, this compatible peripheral to all worker that is often undertakes outside office.

For user that is accustomed access internet, HTC provides facility Internet Explorer or chats with the application of instant messenger and sends photograph to situs internet through program Windows Live. Under developed do not, sends and receives electronic mail through feeder like Hotmail and Yahoo also can be done swiftly every when.

Besides technology Touch-FLO, HTC installs also some feature standard likely to be found on other phone. Its(the example camera facility beresolusi two megapixel with picture sensor technology CMOS. The resolution is possible have been enough to make a picture, but forwards of HTC need to provide better camera.

Hereinafter, to enlarge memory capacity, HTC adds storage media eksternal in the form of card port micro-SD. As for activity of exchange photograph, picture, and other can be done by activating signal Bluetooth version 2. Type Bluetooth can remove quicker digital data if it is compared to version before all.

equipment of Available other connectivity in phone dimension 99,9x58x13,9 mm is signal arrester Wi-Fi IEEE 80211b/g. Besides, there is also HTC Ext-USB Mini 11-pin of USB, that is peripheral pentransfer data which in harmony with ponsel HTC Touch.

The next, HTC adds mike integrated, speaker 3-in-1 and the application of Windows Media Player supporting song format and video is including format AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, WMA, WAV, MPEG4, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, and MIDI.

Related to battery age, HTC TOUCH had alertness time until 200 hours and time speaks around five hours.

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